Port Vell

We set out from the Columbus monument.Ton its right we find the largest and most complete medieval dockyards in the world, wich house the Maritime Museum. On our way-out, we can contemplate the city from the sea in the Golondrinas, double decker motor-launches which tour the harbour. Following the route around the Moll de la Fusta, we can enjoy the splendid view from its bars and restaurants. Crossing a wooden footbrid-ge, you can also reach Maremagnum,the shopping and leisure complex in the Moll de Espanya, which includes the Aquàrium and wide range of shops,musical bars, restaurants,mini golf and all you need to enjoy your free time.

On foot:
Approximate duration: 1 hours.

Monument to Columbus

World Trade Center


La Rambla de Mar


Catalan History Museum

Clock tower

Harbor cable car

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